Saturday, 31 January 2009

Standing Up on the Job

This post features a relaxation tool that you'll perform standing up. Obviously, be seated if its necessary for your health. You'll be able to follow the suggestions to their relaxing conclusion anyway.

I've chosen this because many men and women have said they are on their feet for large parts of the day. I also considered that many people are stood in queues at bus stops, airports, cinemas, bars, supermarkets, concerts, at the kitchen sink or emptying the dishwasher. I'll stop there because I'm exhausting my examples. Hey, at least I'm honest.

The aim is for you to experience really wonderful sensations of relaxation whilst standing.
Believe me, it can be done. Enjoy exploring the sensations you can create in your body. It's all about being naturally creative. Take yourself slowly through each suggestion. Savour each moment and believe you will relax more deeply than you have before. Doing this will help you relax more easily, again and again until it becomes a useful habit.

Take yourself slowly through each suggestion.

  • Stand in an upright (back comfortably straight) posture, facing forward with eyes gazing straight ahead.
  • Place your feet flat on the floor, a comfortable distance apart.
  • Have your arms hanging loose by your sides. Your shoulders relaxed, your back relaxed and your legs relaxed. Your head will be balanced naturally.
  • Notice what it is like to be stood wherever you are.
  • Notice what's in front of you. Notice what is to the sides of you. Notice what is behind you without looking.
  • Be aware of the sensation of your feet upon the floor.
  • Now, gently focus upon yourself. Be casually aware of the way you stand. Notice the way your whole body feels.
  • Notice the way you breathe.
  • Using a soothing, calm voice tell yourself to soften and relax.
  • Notice what part of you is most relaxed. Then double those feelings.
  • Notice how good this feels and send those feelings around your body.
  • Simply let those areas relax more.
  • Relax your eyes. Relax your vision.
  • Notice the way you breathe. Soothingly tell yourself to relax.
  • Focus gently upon a place between your eyebrows and the middle of your forehead.
  • Now you decide how far you will go in exploring this further.

You can easily abbreviate this to suit your lifestyle and daily needs. I will post a variation of this exercise at a later date.

If you enjoy and benefit from these suggestions or are simply more curious, then either subscribe via email to your email account or via feed to your reader or blogg.

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy a great weekend.

Thursday, 29 January 2009

Lay down on the job

Read below for an exercise that's so easy you'll be practising it whilst lying down.

It's designed to help you be aware of how you breathe and what your breathing feels like in this often used natural position. You'll be laying down as if you are preparing for sleep or taking a 'nap'.

Remember, it's likely that you use a significant proportion of your 24 hour day sleeping. Most people get good sleep, which usually means they feel rested and quickly become alert after they have awoken. Some people don't rest so easily and one of the reasons amongst potentially many, may be their quality of breathing and relaxation.

  • Lie flat on your back on a floor.
  • Relax your body, allowing your arms and legs to spread or 'flop' out in a relaxed manner. You will know what positions for your arms and legs are most comfortable.
  • Now, be aware of your breathing. Let your body breathe all by itself. You've been doing this all your life, so you're already skilled in letting this happen.
  • I expect you're noticing that you're stomach is rising and falling with every inhalation and exhalation. How does this feel? Natural? Healthy? Relaxing? I certainly hope so.
  • What are you noticing about your breathing?
  • For those of you requiring more comfort whilst lying on the floor, please place a light pillow under your head and under your knees or wherever best to suit you. Be as comfortable as you want because this may help you notice more from this exercise.
  • You may prefer to experiment with using cushions and without.
  • Now, lay flat upon your back on your bed, head upon a pillow if you normally use one. Repeat the same exercise. How does this compare to your experience with the previous exercise?

It may be that your breathing naturally from your stomach and less from your chest. How does that feel? As you are comfortable, feel free to lay there and continue breathing. I realise you've probably decided to do that anyway.

Wednesday, 28 January 2009

Count your blessings

This post is a cool breathing relaxation or meditation.
In yesterdays post you observed your natural breathing whilst concentrating on the tips of your nostrils. Today you will be counting your exhalations of breath. Not the inhalations, only counting the exhalations. Curious? Then please read on.

This practise is designed to improve your concentration and your ability to 'allow some things to be as they already are'.
Allow your body to look after itself, let it breathe naturally and easily. Encourage this process by relaxing as much as you like. Some people easily relax even more when they prepare themselves to sit quietly and meditate.
See my Relaxation posts if needed. Take your time and enjoy yourself.

  • Sit comfortably with your back straight and your head looking forward.
  • You can say to yourself that you're 'going to sit quietly and with such skill that this will be fun.' Well, I like saying things like this to myself. It works.
  • Close your eyes when you're ready to begin.
  • Observe your natural cycle of breathing - inhalation and exhalation - through the nose.
  • When your are ready, count "one" to yourself as your exhale.
  • Count "two" the next time you exhale.
  • Count "three" on your third exhalation.
  • Continue this counting upto either your 5th or 10th exhalation of breath.
  • Once you have reached either 5 or 10, resume the counting from 1.
  • So, it begins - count "one" to yourself as you exhale etc.
  • You may discover this quite an easy exercise or you may find yourself counting upto 8 or 14 or 22.
  • The practice develops concentration and relaxation. Have fun!

Thanks for reading and feedback to me your discoveries.
Click back again for more relaxation.

Tuesday, 27 January 2009

On your breath cycles

I'm placing this breathing exercise under 'Meditation' and 'Relaxation' because it eases me into relaxation and boosts my concentration.
It's a simple exercise and suitable for most places, though obviously avoid operating vehicles and machinery. It is quickly effective, by which I mean you'll likely notice a difference (and a positive one I hope, if not stop doing it) in your sensory perception of your surroundings.
It can be performed in a short space of time or for as long as is comfortable to you. As with my other suggestions, the only highly valuable equipement you need is you!

I recommend sitting comfortably with your back straight and comfortably upright.
You will be inhaling and exhaling through your nose in your natural manner.

  • Gently close your eyes and relax.
  • Now simply be aware of your breathing. It'll be flowing in and out quite naturally as you focus gently upon it.
  • Place you awareness to the tips of your nostrils and the sensation of the breath moving in and out.
  • Keep your focus on the tips of your nostrils.
  • Simply allow your breathing to do it's natural cycles.
  • Relax, enjoy your breathing and whatever else you notice.
  • Do this for 5 to 10 minutes or longer, if good for you.

You might think it sounds kinda simple. You're right. Practice it to know for yourself how effective it will be. If you like it, keep on using it. I'm interested to know your experiences when you're happy to share.

Thanks for reading and tell your friends and colleagues about

Monday, 26 January 2009

Love is in the air

This practice is a very simple and powerful demonstration of how are intentions can rapidly change our feelings, thoughts and our awareness of our body.
It can also help change our appreciation of the people and wider world around us.

I have peformed it at times of anxiety, anger, stress and even shortly after being told my father had died.

You can use this to help yourself be more comfortable and accepting of a place or of people you know. Your object of attention may be something or someone you feel is deserving or even undeserving of your love. Remember what you experience, or write it down if you prefer.

You can do this whilst seated, stood or lying down. I usually find 'eyes closed' is more 'dramatic' and thereby I notice and enjoy much more of the experience.

  • Begin by softly telling yourself to relax and by using one of my relaxing exercises if neccessary, under the label 'Relaxation' in this blogg.
  • Pretend your sending out love from yourself into a person or place. Direct your love with intention and believe that whatever you send it to, shall recieve.
  • Notice where the source of love is coming from. For example is it your heart/chest area or your whole body, or somewhere else. Notice whatever you notice.
  • Clearly see your intended recipient either surrounded or imbued or both, with your love. Avoid anticipating a reaction. Just direct your love and see it clearly moving and reaching the recipient.
  • Take pleasure and savour the feelings and experiences of doing this.
  • You will know or feel, when you are satisfied.

After a pause, you may find this so good, you want to continue with a variation.

  • Simply, send love from yourself with the intention for it to go where it will. Take an opportunity to be surprised. Allow whatever happens to happen and notice and remember.
I'm sure you can create variations of this to make you feel good. When you stop, gradually make yourself more familiar with your surroundings again.

Take care and come back for more special suggestions to make you feel good and relax.

Uniquely You - an Awareness Meditation

In my opinion this is something of a 'classic' meditation or awareness practice. It's all about you becoming more aware of you! It's very easy to do. It's normally enjoyable and often insightful. It will assist you in developing concentration and relaxation as well. What more can you ask for? Apart from a lottery win, of course. Well, ask for that too!

Remember that as you go through each step, Notice what you notice. Return your focus to the areas mentioned if a distraction occurs.
Allow whatever happens to happen. Avoid prediction and take pleasure in this. Go on, you know you can.
For beginners in particular: as soon as you feel satisfied or anything other than comfortable, take a pause, then return.

Relax in the best way you know how and if you prefer, go through one of my Relaxation techniques in this blogg.

  • Sit comfortably. To close your eyes is preferable.
  • Allow your back to be relaxed, upright and place both your feet on the floor. Prepare to enjoy yourself.
  • Tell yourself to relax some more and use that special voice you have. The voice, that when you use it your whole body automatically relaxes even more.
  • As you gently focus upon relaxing, your body relaxes and your mind follows further still. Then it's easier to be aware of what's happening now. Tell yourself to maintain and return to awareness even if distracted.
  • Gently place your awareness on the area around your groin or reproductive area (safe and simple language, hope you appreciate it).
  • Be calm and quiet and relax. Notice what you notice. Keep your focus of awareness there for a comfortable period and repeat this for each point listed below.
  • Now, place your awareness on your navel area. Do this for a period and notice whatever you notice.
  • Next, focus upon your solar plexus. Simply be aware of this location.
  • Rest your awareness upon your chest, heart area. Again, notice whatever you notice as you gently rest your attention here.
  • Next, put your awareness on the throat area and with ease, notice whatever you notice.
  • Now, settle your focus on the area between your eyebrows and middle of your forehead. Notice what you notice.
  • Place your awareness on the top of your head. Focus there and simply 'be aware'.

Once you're ready to stop, do so and take notes of experiences and insights if you wish. Make yourself gradually more familiar with your surroundings again.

Have fun and keep on returning to view my posts.
Thanks for reading.

Sunday, 25 January 2009

You're easy guide - Preparing to Meditate

Here you'll get very useful suggestions for when you sit to meditate.
They can make meditating even more enjoyable and insightful.
I prefer to keep suggestions as simple and effective as possible. I also prefer to keep it sat in the real world. The most important general points I can give you are:

1. Relax
2. Be comfortable
3. Enjoy yourself
4. Keep focussed
5. Explore
6. Discover

Make an annagram from the 6 points if it helps you remember. With a little practice you'll soon demonstrate them when you meditate.

The following are guidelines often given to frequently asked questions.

  • Beginners to meditation may prefer to use quiet, comfortable places to meditate. You can sit in a comfortable chair, on a sofa, the bed, on the floor, anywhere that you feel is comfortable. It's not necessary to sit cross-legged or with your legs behind your head or in an advanced yoga posture that appears only possible to perform after several lifetimes practice.
  • Avoid meditating on either a completely empty stomach or an overly full stomach, unless that is what you're comfortable with of course. Most people I meet prefer to feel comfortable, focussed and content. So, look after yourself in this matter as only you know how.
  • Beginners or anyone else for that matter, including me, may prefer little or no noise and no distractions. From a practical aspect, you'll quickly develop the skill to focus in your meditation and naturally any distractions will be avoided.
  • When sitting to meditate, make sure your whole body is as realistically comfortable as possible at that time, in that environment. With practice you'll quickly have the ability to meditate in different locations. I've meditated on trains, in my car on motorway service stations, at home with music booming around the apartment, as well as in idyllic locations. The one common experience is that the 'quiet' comes from me! And that ladies and gentlemen, is a wonderful thing.
  • Simply sit upright. There are no special body, leg, arm and hand postures. Obviously, lay down if it's necccessary. Some people are laying prone due to health issues. For many people, lying down is associated with sleep and 'napping'. Sleeping, napping are not meditating.
  • Practice your ability to focus. You will receive plenty of encouragement and suggestions here to assist you in developing this. Thinking is not meditating. Daydreaming is not meditating. Meditation is easier and can be more insightful than that. Don't take my words for it. Meditate.
  • Begin regarding your meditation as a fantastic opportunity to explore yourself and reap benefits of well-being along the way. It's a holiday whenever you want it.

Looking for Meditation tools and techniques? Then read and practice my posts on Meditation regularly.

Thanks for reading and please post your feedback.

Meditation and Neuroscience - A Positive Pairing

Last year I saw a short article on that read 'Firms as varied as Reebok and PricewaterhouseCoopers encourage their workers to meditate.' 'The main benefit is stress release and relaxation. Once you get seriously into it, it becomes a skill, a workout for the mind.'

More recently I read this article at
There's nothing like economic calamity to focus the mind. But instead of obsessing over your job security or declining 401(k) balance, try diminishing your stress with a new assist from a very old tool: meditation.

Naturally, I explored a little further into the unfathomable data stores of the internet and here are some of the treasures I brought back.

  • Time magazine online, reported that daily practice of meditation thickened the parts of the brain's cerebral cortex responsible for decision making, attention and memory. With advanced brainscanning technology, researchers are showing that meditation directly affects the function and structure of the brain. It changes it in ways that appear to increase attention span, sharpen focus and improve memory. By simply focussing on an image or sound or on one's breathing, the practice seems to exercise the parts of the brain that help us pay attention.
  • An interesting aspect of the next study I include, is the subjects were Boston-area workers practicing a Western-style of meditation. A research scientist at Massachusetts General Hospital, presented preliminary results that showed the gray matter of 20 men and women who meditated for just 40 minutes a day was thicker than that of people who did not.
  • Another study mentioned on the time site was of an associate professor of biology at the University of Kentucky, who had college students either meditate, sleep or watch TV. Then he tested them for what psychologists call psychomotor vigilance, asking them to hit a button when a light flashed on a screen. Those who had been taught to meditate performed 10% better—"a huge jump, statistically speaking" the professor said.
  • Finally, also printed that meditation seems to help regulate emotions, which in turn helps people get along. 'One of the most important domains meditation acts upon is emotional intelligence—a set of skills far more consequential for life success than cognitive intelligence.'

  • At, is an article upon recent studies that are showing that '...meditation can result in stable brain patterns and changes over both short and long-term intervals that have not been seen before in human beings and that suggest the potential for the systematic driving of positive neuroplastic changes via such intentional practices cultivated over time. These investigations may offer opportunities for understanding the basic unifying mechanisms of the brain, mind and body that underlie awareness and our capacity for effective adaptation to stressful and uncertain conditions.'

  • Psychology Today reported upon researchers at Harvard Medical School who used MRI technology on participants to monitor brain activity while they meditated. They found that it activates the sections of the brain in charge of the autonomic nervous system, which governs the functions in our bodies that we can't control, such as digestion and blood pressure. These are also the functions that are often compromised by stress.
  • At recent research indicates that meditating brings about dramatic effects in as little as a 10-minute session. Several studies have demonstrated that subjects who meditated for a short time showed increased alpha waves (the relaxed brain waves) and decreased anxiety and depression.
  • In a study published during 2000 in the journal Stroke, 60 African-Americans with atherosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries, practiced meditation for six to nine months. (African-Americans are twice as likely to die from cardiovascular disease as are whites.) The meditators showed a marked decrease in the thickness of their artery walls, while the nonmeditators actually showed an increase. The change for the meditation group could potentially bring about an 11 percent decrease in the risk of heart attack and an 8 percent to 15 percent decrease in the risk of stroke. They looked at a group of people who had meditated for four months and found that they produced less of the stress hormone cortisol. They were therefore better able to adapt to stress in their lives, no matter what their circumstances were.
  • A second study, published last year in Psychosomatic Medicine, taught a randomized group of 90 cancer patients mindful meditation (another type of practice). After seven weeks, those who had meditated reported that they were significantly less depressed, anxious, angry and confused than the control group, which hadn't practiced meditation. The meditators also had more energy and fewer heart and gastrointestinal problems than did the other group.

I hope this is motivating news for those of you who like reading results of research into the interests you enjoy in life.

Of course, I will add that there is nothing to compare with your own experience on meditation.
Check out more of my posts on Meditation and Relaxation.
Take care and thanks for reading.

Saturday, 24 January 2009

Relax, just do it!

I was asked today, where and when relaxation would be useful.
I'll be honest, I regarded this as a silly question. I looked at the person asking and said "Are you being serious?"
I'll admit to feeling relieved, when they replied they were serious. I suppose we both wanted to be taken seriously. So, this post is based upon what I spoke about. Read it and it could make sense to you. Act upon it and you can feedback to me what you think.

There's usually one or more reasons for a person to believe learning or relearning relaxation will be good for them. It is usually related to health and well-being. I'm most interested in giving anyone the tools to relax as quickly as possible so they can experience any benefits unique to them. The internet is a great space for that.

Decide where you feel more relaxation would be useful to you. I like the answers "all the time" or "as often as possible." How realistic these answers will be depends of course on your lifestyle and attitude. We all have different demands placed upon us at different times and accordingly different exercises will suit those times. Again, it's unique to you.

Realistically, you will likely have certain situations where you want to relax more, for example, at work, at home, on a blind date, during sex, on public transport, to help you get ideas for a book, between sprints on a training session. The lists is huge and ever growing.

Read my posts, practice what you read, so your mind and body will together discover what works best and so you can more easily recall what to do and how to do it. You are really discovering ways of using your thoughts and emotions to create changes in your body and behaviour. I think that sounds like you have a very powerful tool to practice with.

Have an attitude of 'I'm playing with cool things' or "I'm daring to pretend" or "I'm exploring something new" or " I want to discover more wonderful things about me." You get the idea.

I repeat, play with suggestions and exercises. The cool thing is no one has to know your practicing with these tools. I like to think they will notice positive differences in you as a result of practice.

Make the suggestions and exercises your own. We all have thoughts, emotions, bodies, yet they're all unique therefore individual and still they respond to very similar patterns which is why these suggestions will be of use to you.

Consider just how deeply relaxed you can become. I mean, how far will you enjoy exploring? During your free time I strongly recommend you take those opportunities to play with my suggestions. When I was researching and developing techniques for myself I often practised at work as well as on crowded public transport systems. Believe me when I say, it was far more preferable than stressing out over sales targets, getting tense about reaching clients in time, or being annoyed at the crush on the sardine-tin trains.

Simply allow yourself to notice whatever you notice when you relax or practice other suggestions. You'll discover and learn far more easily this way. Prediction can be left for economising your finances and reading the horoscopes. No joke, I sometimes read mine. I know the difference.

What do you imagine you can do when you're more relaxed? Will you enjoy greater well being? To answer these questions, you will have a memory of relaxing in the past. The memory will be experienced both in your mind and your body. Almost simultaneously if you take a moment to notice.

There is a funny thing I noticed many years ago. When your mind relaxes, your body does too. When your body relaxes, your mind does too. Have fun and I hope you really enjoy reading my posts. Let me know how useful they are to you.


Friday, 23 January 2009

Tune In, Turn On, Take Off From Here

today's post arrives as a result of a cool exercise I performed earlier. This created a growing feeling of powerful motivation toward something I had avoided earlier.
I'm also appreciating a secondary effect which has been to positively change my beliefs about the activity.

  • Imagine yourself beginning the activity.
  • Create a large image of yourself. Make it life size if that's more comfortable or powerful for you.
  • See yourself smiling broadly and being happy and relaxed performing the activity.
  • Now make that image into a movie. See yourself performing, hear what you hear and feel what you feel.
  • Increase the colours, sounds and take time to notice your happy feelings as well as the 'physical' feelings of you accomplishing the activity.
  • When you have the movie as you like it, move fully into it if you have not already done so. Imagine you are there really accomplishing whatever activity you want to do well.
  • Enjoy some moments there and really allow those sensations to 'soak' into you.
  • Imagine the rewards you will receive, however big or small, once you are really performing the activity.
  • Now, imagine the rewards you will receive, however big or small, once you have accomplished it. These rewards may be emotional like relief, happiness or relaxation or financial or anything else that's positive.

I hope this will be very useful to you.

Yes, part of the title 'Tune In, Turn On...'originated with the late Timothy Leary. Never met him, although I have heard some of his talks on the matrix masters podcast. The main content I practice and change for myself, after discovering techniques during research into NLP as created by its co-founder Richard Bandler. Very useful stuff.

Have a great weekend!
Tune in, turn on and return here to read more relaxing, self powering posts.

Thursday, 22 January 2009

Smile, it's a relaxing world inside and out.

You're only a hot smile away from relaxing.

We know the power of the happy smile is in it's ability in encouraging people to relax and feel happier. Internationally, it's one of the best understood feel-good languages of the body. It breaks barriers across cultures, beliefs, geography, education and social status. The beauty held in a smile not only creates good feelings in the smiler but makes those it's directed to feel good as well.
Here and now, you can enjoy a wonderful smile. Go on, I dare you.

  • Sit, stand or lay down comfortably. You may close your eyes or keep them open.

  • Imagine another you, smiling a genuine and beautiful smile. The kind of smile that 'lights up' and seems to grow larger in your mind. The kind of smile that becomes a radiance with light dancing in your eyes.

  • Now, send that smile into every part of your body. In your head, trunk, arms and legs. Send it into any part of you that feels tense or uncomfortable.

  • Imagine that smile going into every organ within your body. From your brain to your reproductive organs, from the top of your head to the tips of your toes.

  • Allow that smile to travel throughout you in the way that feels absolutely best at this time.

  • Now, smile into every part of your day, into the memories of past days and into the future of your many tomorrows.

  • Now, I Imagine your real eyes are smiling, the corners of your mouth raising and you're noticing those feel-good sensations flowing wonderfully through you.

Continue with this until your either in ecstasy, deep relaxation, both or ready to return to work.

Tuesday, 20 January 2009

Relaxation, well-being and weight loss?

Relaxing regularly may be a key to maintaining weight loss.

From the research results of a team at the University of Otago, New Zealand.

I read an article published yesterday on stating results suggest that women are more likely to keep weight off if they practice relaxation techniques. The research was done by a team at the University which says on its website that it is the top research Uni' in NZ.

In a two year follow-up of a ground-breaking research project, they suggest that non-dieting interventions to improve overweight and obese women's health and well-being have a longer-lasting effect if they include relaxation training.

The researchers conducted a study involving 225 Dunedin women with a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 28 - the women were placed on one of three 10 week intervention programmes which all aimed to help women shift their focus away from calorie counting and body weight, towards sustainable lifestyle changes that enhanced their well-being, regardless of weight loss.

The most striking result was in the non-dieting intervention that included intensive training in relaxation techniques and at the two-year follow up, these women were the only ones to maintain the psychological and medical symptom improvements they showed at the end of the first year.

Good news! This is something more to encourage you to relax.
Read my next post on the relaxing zone.

Have fun!

Monday, 19 January 2009

A quick and easy relaxation thats deep, natural and legal too

Relaxation is a wonderful experience, again and again
I imagine some people really deeply, relax. I imagine many people can relax deeply when they know how. The purpose of this blog is to give you regular, easy to use, effective techniques for relaxing deeply, meditating and feeling good. The labels to the right of this post will guide you into areas of your choice.

I meet plenty of people who tell me, they've either forgotten how to relax or never felt the relaxation they believe they're capable of enjoying. It's useful to know that we can relearn the best things as quickly as we forget the most useless. It's just like, when you soften as you lay down and allow the warm waters of your bath to soak over you. Many old pleasures and new sensations come together in a moment.
If you could bring them together by reading and practising the suggestion below, I'm sure you'll remember to use them in your future too.

Now, discover how deeply relaxing this is
Some lucky people tell me they're naturally relaxed and I think that's something we can all create for ourselves. Here is one of the most effective relaxation techniques, in my opinion, and you can put it into practice today!
  • Remember a time in your life when you were most relaxed.
  • Or imagine a special moment when you experience such deep relaxation that every part of you is at ease and feeling just wonderful.
  • In a soothing voice tell yourself to slow down some more.
  • Now, see yourself clearly, relaxing deeply . Notice what you look like from your head to your toes as you body relaxes.
  • Explore how deeply comforting this is. The more you notice yourself relaxing, the more you soften and feel comfortable everywhere.
  • See what you see as you relax more, hear what you hear and feel all the good sensations you are feeling.
  • Move into that image of yourself, if you have not done so already.
  • Increase these feelings of relaxation in the easiest way available to you, now.
  • Notice what part of you is most comfortable. Where is the most relaxed place in your body?
  • Now, tell yourself to spread those relaxing feelings through your whole body.
  • Have these wonderful feelings spread from the top of your head to the tips of your toes.
  • When every part of you is more relaxed then double those feelings.
  • I wonder if you've ever felt so relaxed before.

Feel how good this is now, so in the future you can easily enjoy these wonderful sensations again. Now, say to yourself in a slow, gentle voice: "Relax" "Every part of me is deeply relaxed." But you probably know that already. And enjoy! Thanks for reading. Jens

Please read and subscribe, to continue developing your enjoyment of relaxing, meditating, feeling good and smiling more at the world around you.

Saturday, 17 January 2009

Great news. Relaxing is easy!

The good news is relaxing is easy.

Below you will read a 'classic' way of encouraging yourself to quickly relax.
It is a simple and very effective guide to relaxing deeply. I've used it for myself and with other people to great effect.

It is something you can play with and modify at your leisure.
Add or remove words or sentences to suit you. Repeat them to suit you.
Some people experience wonderful, refreshing relaxation by simply repeating the word "Relax" in a slow, gentle, soothing way.

Deep Relaxation

Begin by sitting comfortably and notice the way your body rests.

Start by repeating the word relax to yourself in a slow, gentle, soothing manner.

When ready, tell yourself to begin relaxing from the top of the head to the tips of your toes.
Using a speed and tone of voice that will help you relax.
Usually a softer, slower speech is of great help. Notice whatever you notice.

Gently say to yourself:
"My head is comfortable and relaxed"
" My face is relaxing."
"My face is softening."
Repeat as appropriate.

Notice the feelings of relaxation.

Softly say to yourself:
"My eyes are relaxed"
"My jaw and chin are relaxing even more"
"My whole face is relaxed."

Notice how much more relaxed you are becoming.

"My shoulders and arms are relaxing"
"My chest and stomach are relaxing naturally"
"My whole body is relaxing more"
"My whole body is deeply relaxed"
Repeat as appropriate. Notice whatever you notice.

Say to yourself:
"My body is relaxing more. As one area of my body is relaxing, all areas of my body relax".
Follow the same process for your legs and feet.

Gently say to yourself:
"I'm relaxing my thighs and calves"
My legs are more relaxed"
" My feet and toes are relaxing more"

Then double those wonderful feelings throughout your body.
It is easy now you can do it. Allow your body to follow your instructions. You are in control.
Remember your body normally does its best to take care of itself automatically.

Say to yourself:
"I'm deeply relaxed"
"I'm slowing down"