Wednesday, 25 March 2009

Power Trio Videos on Consciousness and Meditation.

I've been watching videos online upon some of my favourite subjects: naturally induced altered states, consciousness, meditation and something called reality (or as I prefer the 'real estate of the mind'). These are areas with plenty of anecdotal evidence and it seems increasing scientific research too.
I've included 3 videos for your entertainment. The first two have fascinating subject matters, covering experiences and opinions on the far reaching insights of the mind and it's effect upon simply being human.

The Federally-Funded Remote Viewer on Stillness and Inner Peace
A very informative video on using stillness as a basis for remote viewing, healing and ESP amongst many other things. I have never practiced RV so cannot vouch for it's efficacy in information gathering.
I do practise stillness, meditation and relaxation and in my experience they are highly effective tools for health and well being. It's an engrossing interview with Russel Targ who co-founded the Stanford Research Institute's federally-funded program that investigated psychic abilities in humans for 10 years. I hope you enjoy it. 36 mins.
Stillness, Remote Viewing and Inner Peace

The Consciousness Altering Neuroscientist on Reality
Neuroscientist Dr Michael Persinger presents a video on his perspective of the Nature of Reality and Consciousness from the experience of altered states. It's a thought provoking video that encouraged me to sit and meditate. 48 mins.
Neuroscience, Altered States and the Nature of Reality

The Short and Sweet Guided Meditation
After so much intellectual banter I feel it's appropriate to complete this power trio with a charming guided meditation for your entertainment from Youtube. Enjoy! 10 mins.
Guided Deep Meditation

Thanks for reading. Thanks for viewing.


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