Thursday, 30 April 2009

3 Inside Tips for Your Health and Well Being

There are three powerful inner resources we commonly use to enjoy good feelings for relaxation, motivation, excitement, creativity and inspiration. The effect of this is often greater well being, goal achievement, changes in attitude, perceived health and positive outlook on life. I'll share my highlights of each to better illustrate what they are and how you can use them.

From the Inside to the Outside and Back Again
Your inner resources are the attributes of your personality and are innate human skills. We all share them. We are often grateful for them. They have a strong relationship between our outer world and our inner. Our imagination often acts as a liaison between the two. They are controlled by your mind and you are expert in using them in many ways already. In my experience these resources are our vision, our feelings and our inner dialogue.

People start by looking within and then move toward what's available outside of them. Personally, I think that's a very good strategy. When they know how to beneficially use what's inside them, then their reliance on other things is reduced. Co-operating with the skills you have and sharing your gifts with others, leads to greater happiness and independence.
It could be a metaphor for this burgeoning green, resourceful society we have around us. First locate and use what is naturally, locally, easily available and then share it. We may find it's more precious and pleasurable too.

The 3 Inside Tips for Your Well Being
As you read this you may find it's easier to go inside and discover even more of what's already available to you.

  • I realised that when I get excited or happy, I experience a brightness or light in my mind. It's like a white and golden light. So now, when I want to feel good or even better about something, I imagine it full or suffuse with bright light and hey presto! the magic is there.

  • With any excitement comes really good feelings. These sensations can begin in my torso and quickly spread through my body to my fingertips and toes. The kinaesthetic movement feels like it sends sparks from my fingers and toes. My body feels energized and robust and my stamina improves. Whenever I want to enhance a positive experience, I notice which way feelings move and accelerate it by sending these wonderful feelings all over my body.

  • When I find a positive, uplifting or motivating moment I naturally hear my inner voice exclaim "That's great. I'll do it!" My inner dialogue is dynamic, powerful and motivating. It resonates all around me, as though I'm bathed in it's sound, volume, tone and tempo. When I desire more motivation I use my inner dialogue in a way that reminds me of a rock bands PA system. It rocks and I roll with it.

As you consider personal experiences of using your three skills together with any desires for your brighter future, perhaps you will bring all your resources together and create something really unique. I don't know exactly what that will be when you have it ready to share, although I'm looking forward to hearing and reading more.

Earlier posts I've written on these inner resources may be useful to you for creating more good feelings and positive experiences. Check out these three articles:
This article reveals more of our fantastic internal technology.
Here you can explore using your visual and sensational imagination.
Your inner dialogue for relaxation.

Now you've read about the benefits of the suggestions above, you may like to comment on what you do that makes you feel good, better or just wonderful.

Let me know what you think.

Thanks for reading

Tuesday, 28 April 2009

How to Lose Relaxation - The Stress and Tension List

I asked friends to tell me of some of the behaviours and attitudes that made them feel stressed, tense or unhappy in the past. Things they could laugh about now and be happy to share. I did this to find common themes that we all successfully reversed, removed or replaced. This is a respectful, simplified and humorous list of the collated material.

People Have Unique Experiences - Sometimes Happy, Sometimes Sad
It's an unhappy, contemplative fact that many people in our world suffer. You can find statistics on numbers of people, countries, years and types of conditions including physical, social, political, psychological, economical and environmental. You may have experienced harsh conditions yourself or met with people who have. Maybe you are amazed by or respect your own and others tenacity for recovery or optimistic approach to life. I'm sure you can understand reasons for people's despair and depression due to their traumatic personal history.

Happily, there are many of us who have had few traumatic experiences in life. I believe we enjoy fruitful, healthy lives due to one or many of the following: stable society, education, adopted belief systems and lifestyles, parental upbringing, flexible approach to life, availability of work, respect and care for ourselves and others.

Anybody Can Experience Stress and Tension
However, there are people who have an uncanny ability to make themselves feel bad and worse. This can easily be done by thinking negative outcomes, events or repeating bad memories. Some people actively reduce their perception of themselves to 'bad and ruin'. In a quick period of time they can construct a 'bad' strategy to reduce their mental, emotional and physical health to the point of sickness.

I learnt for my own well being, that bad memories have no purpose beyond being a reminder of an earlier experience and 'guides' or compass points for future experiences. For example, if you've experienced any abusive relationship, you'll be aware of what others do to make you feel bad. There will probably be strong indicators of what you did to make yourself feel bad too. They are very useful examples of what to be aware of and even avoid in the future, for your own health and well being.

The Changeable, Removable Stress, Tension and Unhappiness List
  • Find all those statements that make you feel discomfort and stress. Repeat them to yourself whenever you want to be tense and ill at ease.
  • Go to places that you dislike, where you can do things you dislike but which other people say should be good for you.
  • Talk often upon subjects that make you feel uninspired, uncreative and even miserable .
  • Listen to music that makes you feel tense but others recommend because it's hip or required listening for your lifestyle.
  • On a daily basis, read articles that depress you and cause you to reflect on the sadness and despair in the world.
  • Regularly watch programs depicting violence, despair, depression just to make sure you are feeding your bleakest outlook on the world around you.
  • Constantly compare yourself to others you regard as more successful, intelligent, attractive or generally superior to you.
  • Think of memories where you suffered great emotional upset, like the break up of a long term relationship or collapse of a business. Do this repeatedly until you feel bad and consider visiting the doctor because you think you are depressed.
  • Adopt a lifestyle in which you are in constant competition to achieve an idealised self or state of success. Key themes you may find great difficulty in: competition to be more attractive and accepted; improve yourself or conform to an others standard; persist in trying to drag yourself to the unrealistic goals you've set.
  • Spend money. Spend lots of it to camouflage your unhappiness. Throw it away on items that convince you you're achieving happiness or the same status as your idol. Alternatively, convince yourself that lavish consumption is commensurate with 'successful' behaviour and buy, buy, buy. Also remember: shopping is retail therapy.
  • Be dishonest with yourself. Set yourself goals that are in contradiction to your real and heartfelt wants and needs. Don't sit down to notice what you really feel and think about your needs in life. Never write it down. Ignore it for best ill effects.
  • Set yourself a target to think about all the bad things that can happen in you life. Connect them in any bizarre way to any remote experience in your memory. Repeat frequently for disastrous effects on a daily basis.

A heartfelt thank you to those who shared their personal past as a contribution to this post.

Thanks for reading.

Thursday, 23 April 2009

Stepping Into The Talent of Your Role Model

Finding the skills you need from the talent you admire
This article offers you a practical and unusual way of recognising and learning some of the skills from someone you admire. It may help you overcome doubt, fear and even encourage problem solving. It has certainly helped me. I recommend using it together with real-world practices as it may accelerate your use of any gains made.

This post blossomed from an evening’s food and conversation with friends and their children. I realised that kids can give fantastic insights into how we adults can change our beliefs and positively change our behaviour.

Children and young adults will sometimes associate deeply with certain characters or celebrities and take on some of their characteristics. This may include a fashion and music style, mannerisms of speech or body posture and even a person’s attitude toward life. I suddenly remembered that this is an excellent way to explore how another’s skills or talents may be suited to you as well. It’s been used by a few self help teachers in the past and for good reason, as I’m sure you’ll discover.

Taking yourself into the Talent
The following technique is great to use when combined with your real-world learning of skills. It may help accelerate the use of that knowledge as I believe there is no substitute for real-world learning. As you know, we all share similar attributes of speech, thought, feelings and physical expression. We all know the wonderful benefits to be gained from our imaginations when we intend them for practical use.

Begin by sitting comfortably and reading the exercise below. Then go through it step by step and enjoy!

The 3 key attributes to gather for yourself are:
1. Skills
2. Confidence
3. Relaxation

  • Find someone whose skills or performance you will like to experience as your own. This may be a prominent public speaker like Barack Obama, Tony Robbins or Oprah Winfrey or any other accomplished person.
  • Take time in observing how they do, what they do. Study them on YouTube, Television, DVD or real life if you have the opportunity.
  • Relax whilst watching them. Absorb their movements, sounds and the feelings you get from the flow of their performance. Enjoy becoming very familiar with the way they perform.
  • Close your eyes and imagine them performing again. You can create any scenario you like. See them vividly going through their excellent routines.
  • Hear clearly what they say and more importantly, the ease and skill with which they say it. Feel throughout your body their confidence and assuring presence.
  • Mentally move around this person and watch them from different places. Decide which position feels best to appreciate and incorporate their talents for your own use.
  • Gently move into your image of the person. Pretend you are seeing through their eyes, hearing through their ears and enjoying their feelings. Make this your experience of their excellence.
  • Notice everything that is useful and positive about their excellent way of doing what they do.
  • Feel as much as you can from using their talents and have fun in repeating this for familiarity.
  • Gently move out from your role models’ body, having recorded their skills, assured relaxation and confidence for your own use.
  • Move your body gently and open your eyes slowly. Take some moments to relax further and be more aware of your own unique self. Then stand up, walk around and recall what you discovered.
  • When the first real life opportunity presents itself to you, practice your newly combined skills.

Remember to combine this technique with real-world learning of skills to help accelerate the use of that knowledge. I recommend you repeat this technique often to help you overcome doubt or fears. Use whenever it’s appropriate and useful to you. Change to suit your own wants and needs. It’s best practiced when you’re happy and comfortable to do so.

With your newly absorbed skills, imagine yourself doing the things you will like. Then ask yourself the following:
  • How much more relaxed do I feel?
  • How much more confident do I sound?
  • How much more assuredly do I move?
  • How much more comfortable am I when expressing my new behaviour?
This tool is all about relaxing, going inside and noticing new things and ‘realities’ for absorbing what is useful for you.
Taking a role model that you admire and enjoy watching is best. For ease of use, choose a person whose talents you can easily recognize. Notice how you can apply their talents to benefit you. Then discover your own unique expression with them. Wishing you the very best.

What were your experiences from using the technique?
Do you think this tool is useful to you?
Please let me know.

Thanks for reading

Thank you BT and VT for your inspiring examples.

Tuesday, 21 April 2009

Creating Pleasure from Leisure

Leisure and pleasure are two nouns that sit beautifully together. They even sound 'sensation'-al when you say them. If leisure is the freedom from time-consuming responsibilities, I'm curious as to what people do. What activities or hobbies help us feel refreshed, relaxed, energized, excited or relieved? In this article I offer an attitude to activities for pleasure.

'Imagination grows by exercise, and contrary to common belief, is more powerful in the mature than in the young.' Paul McCartney
Some people and you may know a few, don’t do recreational, leisure activities or hobbies. They have ‘interests,’ ‘pursuits’or ‘occupations’. I don’t share a serious attitude toward my activities. Actually, I do because I believe they are for pleasure and I’m quite ’serious’ about that.

I was chatting to a friend during the weekend and they declared “ I haven’t got time to spend on a hobby ” after telling me all about their busy but incredibly unproductive week. I replied
“ hobbies don’t have to cost anything only a small amount of your time and the value is the pleasure you get.” I thought it was a smart reply. I even gave myself a congratulatory pat on the back.

More importantly, it caused me to reflect upon how I regard exploring new activities for pleasure. In the past, I didn't always indulge in a hobby because I would think “It’ll take ages to learn or be good at that.” That was the simple ‘red light‘ statement that stopped me from discovery. What a good way to deny yourself pleasure from expressing creativity and having little adventures. So I missed the point and pleasure of some things. Thankfully the past is where it should be. Behind me.

‘Any activity first begun has only the value you place upon it.’ Anon
Now, I regard leisure as fun, ‘light’ occassions that express what you desire and how you express yourself in the moment. Some people's hobbies have longevity and aims, some have wide reaching social goals and consequences, others are rewarding for their immediacy and the short term. Some you may even think frivolous.

However you consider hobbies, you’ll find they share this common attribute:
They are play-things for your imagination and an expression for your creativity. They are either immediate for pleasure or later for another profit.

To misquote Napoleon Hill: ‘Do not wait. Start with whatever tools you have at hand.'

The 'tools at hand' are you and your creative imagination. Whatever hobby you have from abseiling to reading and writing, somehow, somewhere you are engaging your mind and body in sensations from which you expect great feelings of well being. That’s the reward you expect from listening to your latest music download to completing your first triathlon.

Many opportunities are at hand to discover pleasures for your leisure.
  • Walking for relaxation and exploring new places.
  • Reading and listening to audio books
  • Singing
  • Meditation
  • Drawing, sketching anything. Doodling.
  • Exercising
  • Blogging
  • Restoring old vehicles
  • Playing an instrument
  • Exploring techniques for your well being
  • Twittering
  • Listening to music
  • Cooking with new ingredients and styles
  • Learning to skate
  • Watching foreign movies
  • Quilt making
  • Learning a second language
  • Living life in whatever way you choose
  • Travelling

For me, it’s all about manifesting my creativity in any way, at any time I choose. I can be inspired and excited by music and I’m sure you know how that feels. Reading a book can be the cause of reflection and the inspiration for a blog article. Walking and exploring new places can bring opportunities to meet new people.

The goals of my leisure are:
1. Pleasure
2. Creativity
3. Benefits to my health

Remind yourself that leisure activities and hobbies can be simple, enjoyable, time-effective, relaxing and fun. Those may be the only goals you need to begin. By changing a routine and doing the simplest activity, can positively alter your mood and change your day for the better.

What are your favourite spare time activities? Do you have the time for leisure?

'Far away there in the sunshine are my highest aspirations. I may not reach them, but I can look up and see their beauty, believe in them, and follow where they lead.'
Louisa May Alcott

Thank you D for helping inspire this post. What a star!

Thanks for reading

Sunday, 5 April 2009

The Magic of Your Intuition part 2

Step into part 2 for using your Intuition.
This article will give you two powerful exercises to play with that I believe will encourage your intuition to 'reveal' itself. I think they'll get you into a calm, relaxed mood to accept intuitive feelings and insights.
Each exercise is simple and uses only your innate abilities. Intuition is an easy, simple, highly effective and natural process. Avoid thinking too much or trying to make it more than it is. Most importantly, have fun exploring.

A Reminder
In Part 1, I suggested that Intuition is a natural, instant, 'gut feeling', 'knowing' or 'understanding without thinking.' Furthermore I think it's a simple, fast, enjoyable ability that is available to us all.
So, your intuition may reveal itself as a feeling with meaning only to you, or a quick image or vision, or something else unique to you. You may be surprised to discover that you've had intuitive experiences at many times in life.

Remember that intuition is a simple, instant 'result' usually requiring an initial thought or an intention. If at any time you feel something other than comfort, please stop the exercises and do something else. You can always return to them later.
Read through each one first before practising and have fun!

The Big Screen
  • Sit down and make yourself comfortable.
  • Relax in the easiest way you know how.
  • Close your eyes.
  • Have a thought of something you want intuitive information on.
  • Relax even more.
  • Imagine a movie screen or TV screen in front of you.
  • This will be where any intuitive images may present themselves.
  • Slowly move this screen closer to you until you notice an image or until it's in preferred location.
  • Be patient and relaxed and notice what you notice.

The Simplest Way
This involves three simple things: You being relaxed and having both the belief and intention that you can easily access your Intuition.
  • Sit down in a relaxed posture with your feet flat on the floor
  • Close your eyes.
  • Gently be aware of your 'inner space'.
  • Focus on no-thing.
  • If you get distracted simply say "Not this."
  • Return to being aware of your 'inner space'.
  • Enjoy noticing what you notice.

I'll just add that this last exercise can be a powerful and insightful experience! You can also use this last exercise with your eyes open whilst sat in other relaxing environments, like a coffee shop. Be flexible in your application of relaxation. Obviously heed the usual care regarding operating machinery, cars etc. I imagine you're the sensible people who do that already.

In my experience these two exercises have been most useful in giving me greater awareness of my Intuition. I hope they offer you the same practical value also.

What experiences did you have? What have you discovered about your Intuition?

Part 1 of this article showed you ways to prepare for receiving intuitive ideas or intuitive thinking. It has 3 techniques you can quickly use to remove tension or reduce the thinking that sometimes blocks Intuition.

Thanks for reading

Wednesday, 1 April 2009

The Magic of Your Intuition part 1

Welcome to the first of a two part article on the Magic of Intuition.
Today's article will show you ways to prepare for receiving intuitive ideas or intuitive thinking. It has 3 techniques you can quickly use to remove tension or reduce the thinking that sometimes blocks intuition. Remember: Intuition is a simple, natural, enjoyable ability that I like to think is available to us all.

What is Intuition?
In my experience it's information, ideas or answers I arrive at or 'receive' when I relax and put aside logical, analytical thinking. Intuition feels natural, instant and relevant. It is often described as 'gut feeling', 'knowing', 'understanding without thinking.'
I've certainly had the gut feelings about places, events and people that were not based on rational thoughts or beliefs. Others claim to have them too. The following story illustrates this very clearly.

During 2005, a friend of mine was preparing to travel from north London to central London to catch a connecting train on the morning of the 7th July. Drinking a morning coffee he considered whether to take a 7.30am underground Tube train to Victoria Station or have a longer breakfast and catch a 8.30am Tube instead.
Whilst he imagined the longer breakfast was a good idea, he felt almost overwhelmed by bad feelings. He talked with his friend about breakfast and each time he considered staying longer, he experienced in his words: " a bad feeling rising from my stomach and across my chest and arms. At the same time my vision became cloudier or darker somehow."

He chose to take the earlier Tube train to Victoria Station. Sometime between 9.30 - 10.00am he watched reports on a TV showing images of the aftermath of the London Tube and bus bombings that morning. His later tube train would have taken him directly along one of the bomb sites at the time it was exploded.

So, the ability to notice gut feelings or intuition is probably a very good thing.

Into Intuition
This post grew from my earlier post on Day Dreaming. After talking with people about if and how they intuit information compared to reasoning or logically developing ideas, I decided to offer some practical guidelines you may find useful.

I believe few people have doubts about the faculty called intuition. I do think some people do not realise or have briefly forgotten how to access a suitable state in which to use intuition. This post is written to help show you how.

After asking people what inhibits them in using their intuition, I had the following 4 themes:

a. Thinking too much.
b. Don't believe in it.
c. Don't believe they have an ability or a lack of confidence.
d. Too much tension - often located in the stomach.

As a response I've written 3 techniques.
The first exercise will help you relax all over, remove tension from your tummy and reduce your thinking. Does it get much better than that? I believe once you're relaxed you'll find yourself more at ease and receptive to your intuition. It's a simple thing to begin now.

Please read through the following suggestions first. Then have lost of fun practising them.

Getting into the Intuitive Groove

Intuition Exercise 1
1. Sit comfortably, close your eyes and say to yourself in your most soothing, sensual voice to 'Relax.'

2. Enjoy sitting in this growing feeling of relaxation. Feel free to repeat 'Relax' or whatever words make you feel most happy and at ease.

3. Flow the feelings from the most relaxed part of your body, into your stomach or any tense area. Move this relaxation in the way that is most natural, instant and pleasurable.

4. Notice how this relaxing feeling moves, what the feelings of movement are like and what pleasurable sensations it gives, as you move it around into all areas.

5. Bathe yourself in the pleasure of this relaxation.

During this technique people may find they 'discover' intuition and it's distinctions from logical thinking. Which is a cool thing. I recommend you enjoy this relaxation often, so it becomes very familiar and almost 'second nature' to you.

The next two exercises are for those of you not completely sure whether you're intuitive or not. I believe it will help you have confidence in your innate ability. I also think it helps people settle into a suitably intuitive state. Having confident feelings that you can use your innate intuition is necessary. Here's how to get it.

Intuition Exercise 2
1. Recall a strong, vivid memory of something you know confidently happens regularly and that you confidently perform regularly.

2. This may be enjoying a walk, tying your shoe laces, driving your car, brushing your teeth, making love (that's a good thing to feel confident about), dressing yourself or anything else that comes to mind.

3. Notice everything you can about this confident memory. What image or images are there? What sounds do you hear and at what volume? What are all the colours you see and their brightness. What are all the physical sensations you recall? What are all the feelings of confidence you get in doing this?

4. Enjoy noticing all these sensations and remember them.

5. Move into the image (if you have not done so already). Imagine being there now, doing things you confidently know happen regularly and that you are confident in.

6. Bathe in these feelings of certainty and confidence. Wonderful!

Now move onto the following exercise.

Intuition Exercise 3
1. Clearly see 'another you' sat or stood before you.

2. This image of you is both relaxed and confident and now you know exactly how good that feels.

3. Be aware that 'you' are very certain in your ability to be successfully intuitive.

4. Look at the way you are, your posture, your feelings, your presence, as you use your intuition.

5. Notice everything that you need to be intuitive now.

6. Experience intuitive ideas in whatever form is appropriate, flowing into your awareness.

7. Comfortably move into the other you (if you have not done so already).

8. Share all the confidence and certainty you have from the previous exercise and have that now as you use your intuition. Take in all the best most useful things.

9. Imagine how much easier, happier or improved your life will be, with this new confidence and certainty in your intuition.

Intuition is a simple, natural, enjoyable ability that I think is available to us all. These techniques are designed to help remove blocks and encourage new beliefs. As I mentioned earlier, some people find they have intuitive experiences during and after practising any or all these techniques. I hope that's the same for you now.
Remember it's fun, easy and natural!

Part 2 of this article will appear in my next post. I'll give you techniques to enjoy an intuitive state and I like to think you'll get results. They work for me and I hope they will for you too.

Please let me know how useful you find these suggestions. Feel free to comment and share your own.

Thanks for reading