Today, I've chosen three video links for your entertainment.
The first two illustrate a growing belief and knowledge, that what we say to ourselves can have dramatic effects on the way we feel and think. The emphasis here is on precisely exploring self talk to make you feel good and to build other 'states' that will be useful in your daily life. I'll also post at a future date on my experiences of this and offer suggestions for you.
The third link is to a website with a growing selection of videos upon many topics of self help, health, well being and even 'mysteries' and 'conspiracy theories'.
1. The first video is of Marshall Rosenberg. He describes, 'how modern medicine can sometimes misdiagnose depression as a chemical imbalance, and explains how such diagnoses seldom look at the internal dialogues we all have that can lead to our feeling depressed.'
This is the link to the video at bigpicture.tv
2. The second video is from a clip on youtube, taken from a Tranceforming NLP seminar given by Nick Kemp, using NLP to demonstrate how to access instant confidence.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C5wwub_AUCU
Check out his website at http://www.tranceformingnlp.com/
3. The third and final link is to the Conscious Media Network. Most videos are free and there is a growing selection. Their mission: 'To educate the global community with crucial information that will develop empowered and responsible individuals.'
I hope these prove both entertaining and informative. When you've watched one or all, let me know how provoking or useful they are.
Thanks for reading. Thanks for viewing.
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